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© Ils van Looveren. Alle Bilder sind urheberrechtlich geschützt

embodied wisdom

acrylic, chalk, marker and collage on cardboard,  30 x 42,5 cm


acrylic, pencil, chalk and collage on cardboard,  30 x 42,5 cm


chalk and charcoal on used cardboard  –  69 x 100 cm

orange blue – the artist

acrylic, pencil, chalk and collage on cardboard,   42,5 x 30 cm

hidden blessings

acrylic, pencil, marker and collage on cardboard,  21 x 30 cm


Acrylic, pencil, chalk and collage on canvas  –  41,5 x 30 cm

in the darkest of the night

in the darkest of the night
when the path is overgrown
we are guided by the light
and every step to take is shown

acrylic, collage, marker and pencil on cardboard  –  36 x 26 cm


almost a kiss

chalk and charcoal on used cardboard – 34 x 68 cm

wheeping guitar

when my guitar starts to wheep
it’s a calling so deep
for me to surrender
coz my heart will remember

acrylic, spraying and collage on cardboard  – 79 x 55 cm

blue head

acrylic on canvas  – 100 x 80 cm

screaming rage

acrylic, spraying and collage on cardboard  –  ca 70 x 50 cm

the wall -2-

acrylic, spraying, chalk and ballpoint pen on canvas  –  120 x 80 cm

womanhood -1-

Acrylic on canvas  – 150 x 10 cm

inner focus

acrylic and spraying on canvas  – 100 x 70 cm

shared laughter -1-

kostbar und innig
unfassbar stimmig
Momente von Freude
sind niemals vergeudet

acrylic, text marker and collage on canvas  –  70 x 40 cm

close encounter

acrylic on canvas  –  80 x 70 cm

where art thou

acrylic, spraying and charcoal on canvas  –  100 x 70 cm

womanhood -2-

acrylic, spraying and chalk on canvas  –  140 x 100 cm

womanhood -3-

acrylic on canvas  –  30 x 25 cm

the embrace – an eternal moment

acrylic, pencil and collage on cardboard,  30 x 39 cm

in deep thoughts

Acryl und Holzkohle auf Leinwand – 150 x 100 cm

shared laughter 2

we had a moment
we had an infinite moment

acrylic, marker, collage on canvas – 70 x 40 cm

inner contemplation

acrylic and chalk on canvas – 140 x 100 cm

shared laughter 3

acrylic, spraying and collage on canvas – 70 x 40 cm